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10 Ways to Grow Your Small Business in 2022

If you're running a small business, there's a good chance you've already thought about where your company is going. Maybe you're looking to expand or start something new. Or maybe you're just trying to survive in a difficult industry, full of intense competition and shifting consumer demands.

Whatever your goals are for the rest of the year, they probably involve growing your business—and that's great! It's one of the best ways to keep yourself motivated and moving forward toward success (and not just survival). But how do you actually grow? How do you get more customers or sell more products without breaking the bank? Well, in this post we share some helpful tips that you can start acting on today to take your business to the next level!

Get organized

It might seem obvious, but it’s important to be organized if you want your business to grow.

  • Organize your business plan. A well-written business plan will help you stay on track as you grow your company. Keep a copy of the original plan somewhere accessible so that everyone involved in the business has access to it (and knows how things should be done).

  • Organize your finances. You need to make sure that all money coming into and going out of the company is accounted for, otherwise, problems can creep up down the line when there are discrepancies between what was originally budgeted and spent, or when quarterly tax time rolls around and things don’t add up properly because they weren’t tracked correctly during regular operations.

  • Organize your team (or hire one). Having an organized core group of employees who have clear job descriptions helps make sure everyone knows what they are supposed to do at any given moment — this means less time wasted on internal communication across departments because everyone knows how their role fits into the larger picture of managing things within their department or outside of it too! They also know who else would properly answer any questions related to tasks outside their own specific area; having everything clearly defined makes it much easier for everyone involved with running day-to-day operations smoothly without having too many cooks in one kitchen!

Set a goal and break it down

After you've set your goals, you can break them down into smaller pieces. It's important to think of your goal as a journey, not an end result—so don't get too hung up on the overall objective. Instead, focus on what it will take for you to achieve that goal.

Break down your personal or business goals into manageable steps and set milestones for yourself along the way. For example, if your goal is to grow a following on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, think about how many followers you'd like by certain dates (e.g., 100 new followers in three months). Then break those benchmarks down even further by setting weekly or monthly goals that are manageable—say 20 new followers per week—and make sure they're achievable given your current resources (e.g., if tweeting consistently is feasible right now because of work demands).

Hire an expert

Hiring an expert can help you grow your business faster. It may seem like a luxury, but it's a smart investment that will pay off in the long run. You'll be able to focus on what you do best while they handle everything else.

For example, if you're starting or running a small business and need help with marketing and sales, you could hire a PR or marketing agency to help handle this aspect so you can focus on other important parts of the business.

Find your niche and own it

As a small business owner, you need to be able to identify your audience and find a niche that you can own. It's not enough to be "good at everything" anymore; customers want someone who is great at one thing.

Don't be afraid of being different! If your competitors aren't willing or able to do something that makes your business unique, then by all means go ahead! Don't try and please everyone with the same old offerings from all over the place—find what makes your brand stand out and own it.

Get online and stay online

If your business doesn’t have a website, get one. If it does, make sure it’s up to date and fully functional. And if you don’t know where to start, there are plenty of platforms that can help—from Wix to Squarespace to WordPress.

A good website is necessary for any business these days—but having a great website is even better! The most successful small businesses use their site as a hub for all their marketing efforts: social media campaigns (Facebook, Instagram), email marketing (MailChimp), SEO (SEMRush) and PPC ads (AdWords).

Set up a reward system for yourself and your team

Think about it: if you're working hard, you deserve a reward. And it's just as important to reward your team as it is to treat yourself. So how do you do that?

Reward systems are easy to set up and run. You can create a point system where employees earn points that they redeem for rewards like gift cards, or you could give them access to a rewards program where they buy themselves things like concert tickets or day passes at the spa.

Reach out to others in the industry

One of the best things you can do for your small business is to expand your network. Your customers, suppliers, and colleagues have trusted contacts in the industry who might be able to provide valuable information or help you find new opportunities.

For example, if you’re in the restaurant business and want to know what people are eating these days, reach out to others in the industry (and beyond) who may know where they go when they want something good. Then ask what kind of food they like or don’t like—and why. This will give you some great ideas about what might work well for your own restaurant!

The same goes if your business sells products: Are there products that other companies sell but yours doesn't yet? If so, now's a great time to reach out and see if there are ways both parties can mutually benefit from working together—and even exchange referrals too!

Keep your employees happy, and they'll keep your customers happy

One of the best ways to grow your business is by keeping your employees happy. Satisfied employees are more likely to be productive and loyal (and therefore stay with you longer), and they are also more likely to become leaders in the company, further enhancing its reputation.

Happy employees make for happy customers—and vice versa! When you make sure that everyone on your team knows how valued they are, it becomes easier for them to provide great customer service—which, in turn, ensures that customers will come back time and time again.

Be nice to the press

One thing that most people don't realize is how easy it is to get your foot in the door as a small business owner. One of the best ways to do this, of course, is by building relationships with journalists who are writing about your industry.

This can be as simple as sending out press releases when you have news—like opening up a new branch or adding new products—or it can be more involved, like giving them exclusive quotes from time to time so they keep coming back (and writing about you).

But whatever path you choose, make sure that you're accessible and friendly when these writers come knocking at your door; this will make it much easier for them to see what makes your company special and why their readers should care about what's happening inside its walls!

Don't be afraid to ask for help or money

It's a fact that businesses need capital in order to grow, but it's also true that many small business owners feel too proud or embarrassed to ask for assistance, especially from their friends and family members. You should never let pride get in the way of progress, so if you find yourself struggling with this aspect of growing your business, consider these potential resources:

  • Friends and Family: For many entrepreneurs, starting a company feels like taking on an impossible task—especially when things aren't going well. The last thing you want is for people who care about you to worry about whether or not your new venture will succeed! Asking them for financial backing can be difficult (and often embarrassing), but doing so could make all the difference between success and failure—and both they and society will benefit from your hard work regardless of which path leads where.

  • Customers: Believe it or not, some customers are willing to invest in their favorite brands' success if given the opportunity! And while offering equity may sound like an unlikely strategy at first glance (who wants an investor with no experience?), crowdfunding platforms like Kiva show us how powerful such partnerships can be when done right. If nothing else works out though, you always have this one available as a fallback plan B.

Bonus Tips

  • Always ask yourself if there’s anything you can do to help your customers with their problems, instead of just making a sale. This is the best way to show them that you care about them as people and not just as customers.

  • Make sure that every single one of your employees has read "How To Win Friends And Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. It’s filled with great advice on how to communicate more effectively with others, which is crucial when trying to grow a small business.

  • Treat each customer like he or she was the only customer; this means treating him or her well even when he/she isn’t buying anything from you at all! In fact, it doesn't matter if they're buying anything from anyone else either—just be nice because being nice matters more than anything else ever could. This will also help build positive word-of-mouth for both your company and its products/services among competitors' customers too.


We hope that these tips will help you push your small business further for the remaining part of 2022. It can be tough to get started or even aim for growth, but once you do, the world is your oyster. And remember: don’t be afraid to ask for help or money! The most important thing is that you’re doing what makes you happy and enjoying life while doing so.

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